Tuesday 14 February 2012

Super Sparkly

A good manicure is something that’s always nice to look at and even more important, it can
perfect an outfit in, literally, a few strokes.

I always found myself to be a little hesitant to try unusual, experimental nail polishes and was perfectly happy with the usual frenchy or the occasional red glossing. I thought of glittery polish to be something only six year olds should wear and didn’t think it could be that fun and actually look that nice.

That’s until I discovered the “silver” shade from the Max Effect Mini nail polish range from Max Factor last week. It was just staring at me from the far and I could not resist. Its dark silver – anthracite really - super sparkly and super stylish! A fun version for us grownups – as far as you can call me a grown up anyway...

 So  I’ve got myself a lovely jubbly new addition to my all-time favourites, which is the lighter grey/beige from Revlon, called “Smokey Canvas”, the ultimate classic, a Chanel black and a sultry dark berry red from O.P.I.

Please bear with me - I'll come around to liking the crackling effect and all the other fun stuff some day...

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